Thinking of investing in a wall mural for your home or office? Here are five tips to keep in mind:
Design with ease
With digital wall mural designs, it helps to ensure your computer isn’t overloaded and running slowly (which could lead to a crash and lost work). Close all unused applications on the computer.
Document files and layers
Save the document as an RGB file and don’t go overboard with layers and effects which you are using.
Consider the effect you want
If you’re designing a large mural for a creative studio, consider the effect you want to create. You don’t always need very high res images, as you can increase the number of pixels per centimeter. This is also particularly useful if people will be viewing the mural from afar instead of up close.
Use mock-ups
Take pictures of the wall and area the mural will be in. An experienced designer can use the artwork created for the mural to transfer it onto the wall so you can get an idea of what the final effect will be before you print.
Partner with the pros
Experienced signage consultants will be able to give you the advice you need to get the most out of your wall mural. Whether it’s adding more detail to drawings, changing colours or reducing the size of certain graphics, it takes a skilled eye to get it right.
If you’re interested in investing in a wall mural for your company, contact Display Signs today.